10 Game Musik Dan Ritme Yang Bikin Anak Laki-Laki Bergoyang
10 Game Musik dan Ritme Seru Buat Cowok yang Gemar Bergoyang
Musik dan ritme adalah dua elemen yang mampu menggerakkan jiwa manusia, tak terkecuali para cowok yang doyan banget goyang. Nah, buat cowok-cowok yang demen nge-beat dan gerak-gerak lincah, berikut 10 game musik dan ritme yang bakal bikin jari-jari dan kaki kalian nggak bisa diem:
1. Beat Saber
Beat Saber adalah game virtual reality (VR) yang memadukan musik elektronik dengan seni pedang Jepang. Kamu dibekali dua buah pedang laser dan harus menebas kubus yang datang dari arah yang berbeda sesuai irama musik. Game ini menuntut koordinasi tangan dan mata yang baik, serta bikin badan kamu berkeringat saking asyiknya!
2. Dance Central
Kalau kamu suka dance, Dance Central adalah pilihan yang tepat. Game ini akan mengajarkan kamu berbagai gerakan tari dari berbagai genre, mulai dari hip-hop, salsa, sampai Bollywood. Ikuti instruksi di layar dan gerakkan badanmu seluwes mungkin. Dijamin, kamu bakal jadi penari dadakan yang gokil!
3. Just Dance
Similar to Dance Central, Just Dance is another popular music game. In this game, you’ll need a controller or a smartphone with the Just Dance app. There are tons of dance songs to choose from different genres, so anyone can find their own groove. Get ready to shake it on the dance floor!
4. Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven is a rhythmic action game with quirky and imaginative gameplay. The goal is to tap or flick the buttons according to the rhythm of the music. Don’t be fooled by its simple graphics, this game can be surprisingly challenging and addictive!
5. Rock Band
Rock Band is the ultimate game for aspiring rockstars. Grab your plastic guitar, drum, or microphone, and join a band with your friends. Play along to famous rock songs and make your own music. You’re in charge of your very own rock concert!
6. Taiko no Tatsujin
Taiko no Tatsujin is a Japanese drumming game that’s popular all over the world. Using a real or plastic drum, you hit the drums to the beat of traditional Japanese music and anime songs. Get ready for a full-body workout while playing this spirited game.
7. Audiosurf
Audiosurf is a unique music game that combines racing with sound visualization. Your spaceship races through a track that’s generated based on the music you’re playing. Navigate the obstacles in time with the beat and score points. Every track is different, so you’ll never get bored!
8. Superbeat: Xonic
Superbeat: Xonic is a rhythm game with a striking visual aesthetic. The game features original electronic music and offers a variety of challenges, including tapping, dragging, and holding notes. With its stylish graphics and challenging gameplay, Superbeat: Xonic will put your rhythm skills to the test.
9. Crypt of the NecroDancer
Crypt of the NecroDancer is a roguelike dungeon crawler with a twist: every move you make must be in time with the music. The game features procedurally generated levels, a cast of quirky characters, and a soundtrack that will get you grooving.
10. Friday Night Funkin’
Friday Night Funkin’ is a free rhythm game that’s become a viral sensation. Inspired by classic arcade games, you play as a boyfriend trying to win the heart of his girlfriend by rapping against her exes. The game features challenging rhythms, catchy songs, and a vibrant art style.
Nah, itulah 10 game musik dan ritme yang akan bikin cowok-cowok ketagihan bergoyang. Dari virtual reality hingga klasik arcade, ada game yang cocok untuk segala jenis selera musik. Ayo mainkan game-game ini dan tunjukkan seberapa asyiknya kamu nge-beat dan nge-dance!